Saturday, 5 October 2024

React Suspense

 how to handle fallback content while asynchronous actions are pending and encapsulate any portion of your component tree

<Suspense fallback={<LeoFallback />}>

  <LeoComponent />


First, import the Suspense components from React, as well as any components you intend to load lazily.

import { Suspense } from 'react';

Then use lazy() to define a dynamic import. For the component you wish to load slowly, this function accepts an argument that is a function that produces a dynamic import statement.

const LeoComponent = lazy(() => import('./LeoComponent'));

  • After React loads, a component tree is rendered.
  • React looks to see whether any of its child components are in a suspended state when it comes across a Suspense component.
  • React will display the given fallback UI until the data is ready, if a child component is awaiting data (for example, as a result of a lazy() import or a data fetch).
  • React smoothly transitions to rendering the real content once the data is available.

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